Thursday, August 25, 2011


Today I had Community Bible Study training all day.  I usually have a babysitter lined up for this day since it happens every year but this year I was unprepared and without a sitter so Mr. G and I decided that Ian would go to the preschool at Isabellas school.  I am good friends with the preschool director and I knew that he would be in good hands. Many moons ago I was a substitute teacher at the elementary school and I would take Isabella to the preschool the days I worked.  She loved it and I knew Ian would too.  I even got the crazy idea to ask the bus driver if Ian could ride the bus to school with Isabella and then meet them there to sign him in.  He loves the bus and waits at the window or the door every morning for Mrs.Williams to pick up his sister.  She honks the big bus horn and they yell "Good Morning" and "Hi" to each other everyday.  So this morning he was ready to ride the big yellow bus to school.  I was so excited for him until he got on and drove away. I could picture this happening every morning in 2 years when he goes to kindergarten and I stay home all alone.  Both of my babies would be in school spending most of their day with their teachers and friends. I would only get the handful of hours at the end of the day to sit and talk with them, to help them with homework, to cook dinner with them, or shuttle them to their after school activities.  That made me very sad.  As I followed the bus to school tears started to well up in my eyes and I was overwhelmed by sadness at the thought that, yes one day I will have the house all to myself, empty, quiet, and  lonely.  I'm not ready for that.  What makes this all the more sad is that Ian had the best day ever.  He loved preschool and my friend said he did so good.  He took his school work seriously, he shared, and he really fit right in with the other kids.  When we left Ian said, "Bye see you soon".   My little fellow is growing up too.  I hope that when it's time for him to go to school full time I will be excited for him and all the wonderful things he will learn. But for now I am going to be a little selfish and hold on to him at home just a little longer. 
  P.S. I found out from one of the teachers aids that Isabella was a very protective sister.  She watched him like a hawk and recess and when she saw he wasn't getting a turn on the slide she walked right over to the fence and made sure the teachers knew so they could do something about it.  Isn't that the sweetest thing you ever heard. 

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