Monday, January 30, 2012

Arts and Crafts

Isabella came home after school and didn't have any homework (this almost never happens) so instead of spending our afternoon doing math corrections or studying for a history test the kids busted out the art supplies and created some unique works of art.  Here is just a sample of what they painted today.

Ian painted a picture for Mr.G using popsicle sticks,  I'm not sure why he used popsicle sticks but whatever works right.

This is Isabellas art work.  It says "Hi Mom I love you very much"  and then it says "Can we go to McDonalds" . Nothing like giving me a big compliment before asking me for something. Oh well at least the I love you came before the Mc Donalds request.

Washing out her paint roller

I promise I didn't freak out over the mess that was happening on the kitchen table

 Isabella made sure that Ian wore his apron so his clothes wouldn't get paint on them. And yes, he is still in his pajamas.

Starting a new project

 Stopping to help her brother get more paint on his roller

This one says "I love M and D"  Isn't she the sweetest?

I'm glad that my kiddos are at an age where they can do these kinds of projects together and I can let them just be kids and have fun.  I can't wait to display their art on our walls.  

Monday, January 23, 2012

Project Life-Week 3

Last night I worked on my Project Life album and finished week 3. 
 Here are the highlights:

Mr.G took Ian to get a haircut

We had preschool at our house. Ian and Aurelia worked hard and had fun

I finished reading The Hunger Games (I loved that book!)

We celebrated my aunts 50th birthday

What were the hightlights of your week? 

Project Life-Week 2

This weekend I finally got around to working my by Project Life album.  I finished week 2 and week 3 and I had fun putting the pages together.
 Here are the highlights of what happened around here:

Ian took snacks to Cubbies to share with his friends

Isabella and I went to the movies with the church

Isabella and Ian spent lots of time together playing Wii games, reading, and playing games on our phones

It's been fun capturing and journaling about the everyday stuff that happens around here.  Those are the things that even though they seem small and insignificant are what I want to remember.  How are you remembering your family's everyday adventures ?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Movie Day

This past Saturday our church organized a movie day for the younger kids.  Isabella really wanted to go since the movie was Beauty and the Beast and it was going to be in 3D. She invited her BFF Holly and we joined my friend Angela and 3 other kids and went to the movies.  We even got to ride in the awesome church van. Aren't church vans the best?  Once we got there we loaded up on snacks (popcorn, sodas, candy, and a pretzel to be exact), put on our 3D glasses, and enjoyed the show. After it was over we had lunch at Panera Bread (one of Isabella's favorite places).  It was a great day and I'm so glad that I have these opportunities to spend time with Isabella and create memories. Tonight I am taking her out for dessert (just the two of us) to celebrate the A she got on her history quiz.  There is nothing better than being a mom.

M is for monkey, moon, and mouse

Today we had preschool at our house.  It was only Ian and his friend Aurelia in attendance but we had fun learning about the letter Mm, the number 12, and practicing our cutting, gluing and coloring skills.  I can't believe we are half way done with our school year.  It will be over soon and I am going to miss it. It has been such a fun experience for all of us and I'm so glad we did it.  Next year Ian will be enrolled in a local preschool so I hope that everything he we are doing this year will prepare him for that.  

Monday, January 16, 2012

Reading Goals for 2012

I love to read. I always have. Books are my most favorite thing to collect.  I buy more books than I think I will ever be able read. It's an obsession. So in order to justify all of the books I've purchased and all of the books that I want to purchase I have decided to make a reading goal for myself for the year.  I plan to read at least one book a month, maybe 2 if I can find the time.  My plan is to alternate between fiction books and spiritual growth books.  I was lucky enough to win a Kindle Fire at Mr.G's work Christmas party last month (I never win anything.....ever). It is the most awesome thing I have ever seen! I already have about 20 book samples on it and have purchased a few that I want to read right away. It even let me move over my books from my old Kindle.  I can even access my magazine subscriptions on it. Reading just got a whole lot easier. And because this device is so awesome I have been really good about reading every night this month and am almost done with this months book.  I am currently reading this book and I absolutely love it.  I can't wait to get to the next one and I'm not even done with this one yet.  I'm looking forward to the movie version which comes out in March.

Here are some of the other books I plan on reading this year.  What are you reading?  

Self portraits

These are the kind of self portraits a 3 year old will take with the camera on your phone if left unattended.  They are seriously too cute.  I couldn't stop laughing when I saw them.  There were at least 20 of them but these are by far my favorite.  Silly boy.