Friday, December 23, 2011

Some fun Christmas photos

We've been busy around here getting ready for Christmas. We've made some Christmas crafts,  made some tamales, eaten lots of yummy treats, watched tons of Christmas movies, and wrapped presents.  I've tried to take a ton of photos to put in my DD album and I wanted to share some of my favorites.  I bought these super cute reindeer hats last month and the kids thought it would be fun to wear them this week.  So I decided to do a little photo shoot in front of our tree.  They took one good photo and then they got very creative and made a bunch of silly faces.  My kids are such hams.  They have crazy personalities and they know how to have fun.  I wonder where they get it from?

Monday, December 19, 2011

Party Time

My friend Tori has recently started her own party planning business called Burlap, Lace, and Paper Roses.  She has hired me and our friend Angela to work for her on events.  We did a wedding in November for some church friends and it was beautiful.  This past Friday we did an event for a 13 year old girl.  It was so much fun and we took some pictures in the photo booth at the end of the night. 
 We love to have fun!

Christmas Stories

We've been reading a lot of Christmas stories around here lately.  Here are a couple of our favorites.

School Christmas Party

Isabella had her class Christmas party on Friday and her teacher was nice enough to invite all of the parents.  Ian and I decided to go and join in on some school party fun.

Isabella with a goodie bag from her teacher.

The gift she got in the gift exchange- $5 to spend anyway she wants.

In line for food with her friend Madelyn.

Isabella, Aaron, and Madelyn enjoying some Subway sandwiches.

Ian and London (future NKCS students) having some Cheetos for lunch. 

More Scrapbooks

A friend of mine ordered 3 mini albums from me last week.  She wanted to give them as Christmas gifts so I finally got to work on them yesterday.  I really enjoyed working on them and I hope Kelly likes them too. I only have photos of two of the mini albums.  Mr. G took photos of the third one with his camera and I am literally too lazy to go get it to upload the photos.  Don't judge me. 

Family Movie Night

We were going to go look at Christmas lights last night but Isabella had a bit of a fever and a headache so we decided to stay in, snuggle up on the couch and watch a Christmas movie.  We ate popcorn and cinnamon M&M's and enjoyed our time together as a family. I'm pretty sure we will be watching a lot of Christmas movies this week.  I have about 10 on our Netflix instant queue and there is no shortage on Christmas movies on TV this week either.  With all this movie watching think I need to stock up on some more snacks. 

Testing Testing

Mr. G gifted me a new camera this week.  I've been wanting to upgrade my old point and shoot camera for some time now but couldn't justify the price of a new camera.  Mr. G did some searching on Craigslist and found a really nice camera at a great price so yesterday he took a quick trip to check it and came home with it.  Last night while we were getting ready to watch a movie I decided to test it out and take some photos.  Isabella thought it would be funny if she made some silly faces without me knowing. Then Ian joined in on the fun. It actually was pretty hilarious.  So here are some photos with my new camera. Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Nativity Scene

I'm pretty sure there wasn't a cowboy or an astronaut present when Jesus was born.  Ian is convinced that there was so Buzz and Woody made an appearance at our Nativity scene this week.  Silly boy.

Christmas Concert

Isabella had her school Christmas concert last night.  She was excited to wear a new outfit and have her hair curled for the special event.  They sang 3 songs and I must say being in 5 recitals has benefited her.  She smiled the whole time she sang.  Then we had cookies and lemonade in the lunchroom before heading home and calling it a night.

J is for (baby) Jesus and jellyfish

Today we had preschool at our house. It's the last time we meet this year then we are on Christmas break for 2 weeks.  Today with learned about the letter Jj and the number 10.  I also incorporated the story of the birth of Jesus and a cute story about a gingerbread baby. Now everyone is in the Christmas spirit.  We even made a cute Nativity snack that I found here.  We had a great time today.