Friday, June 24, 2011


This is Lainey. She has been Isabellas BFF since they were babies. They were born about 6 months apart and grew up together. They spent most of their time together in the church nursery during Sunday School, worship time and Womens Bible Study. They were in Awana together. They had lots of playdates and were always present at each others birthday parties. So when Laineys dad got a job in another town and their family had relocate it was a sad time for the girls. Not to mention how sad it was for their mothers. We had become close friends too. We were all sad about the changes but Laineys mom and I knew that it would be up to us to keep the girls in contact and get them together as often as we could. So last summer we had Lainey over for a week. They went to VBS, baked, painted, swam, went to dance class and watched movies. Then Isabella spent some time with Lainey and her family over summer and Christmas breaks. So the tradition of summer vacations with each other continues. Isabella is over there now and Lainey will come and spend time with us in July. They are as close as ever and I hope that they continue to be the best of friends.

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